November Dividend Income Report

This is my second dividend income report and I must admit, I have started to enjoy doing it! I never realized the fun of calculating your monthly passive pay check. In fact, I was too busy focusing on growth to care about how much I made last month. Still, receiving almost $200 thi

Updated Privacy Policy

As part of our commitment to privacy and transparency, we’re updating our Privacy Policy. We want to give you more and clearer information about how we collect and use personal information — in a more organized and readable format. Your privacy is critically important to us. The

A Month Later, I Have Invested 76K Already

Not too long ago, I told you I had 108K to invest in the stock market. If you didn’t follow me through summer time, I received this money when I quit my job to work full-time on my investing websites. This money was what my pension plan was worth and I decided to take it […]

Wow this is Exciting

Since I’ve written this blog, I’ve been completely transparent about my investment decisions. I always thought it would be helpful to see how others invest their money as I believe we can all learn from each other. However, since money is more taboo than sex, most people, even blogger

Connect to Your Fans and Followers with the New Social Icons Widget

Get to know the Social Icons Widget, which lets you connect with fans and followers on over 40 social networks.

Can My Portfolio Survive a Crash?

The idea of losing lots of money in a short period of time is probably one of the biggest fear of any investors. In fact, many of them rather wait on the sideline than suffer this “inevitable-next-market-crash”. After all, nobody wants to suffer this type of drop: When a market crashe

DSR 3rd Anniversary: 11 Portfolios Beating their Benchmark

Exactly 3 years ago, I was launching a dividend growth investing service called Dividend Stocks Rock. Instead of proving a classic investing newsletter, we have also included a variety of services such as stock card analysis, pre-screened stock lists, a monthly updated buy list along

Review in May, Buy in October

As the second earnings season is over, it’s now time to review my portfolio and see how the first part of the year has progressed. As the old sayings goes… “sell in May and go away”, I would rather say review in May and buy in October ;-). After all, if I were to sell […]

Portfolio Update

Funny enough, I’m not the best guy around to update you on my own portfolio. I really like blogging about dividend investing, but I don’t talk too much about my own stuff. Once in awhile, I think it makes sense to share my portfolio with you (my portfolio page is currently up-to-date,

New Purchase: Agrium

While I’m done with my children’s tuition fund, I had a few dollars uninvested left in my retirement portfolio. Agrium (AGU) has been on my watch list for a while and I decided to enter in a position on February 26th. Please note that Agrium is trading on the TSX as AGU.TO and on the