Blog 2 Columns


Sometimes, expectations just don’t cut it It is with great disappointment to admit I’ve been cheated on. I put confidence and trust and this is how I get rewarded; broken promises. This is how it feels when a company lets you down and announces a dividend cut!   Selling Black Dia

SPY Vs Dividend Growth Portfolio

A couple of weeks ago, I asked you why you think you can beat professionals? This led to an interesting conversation about the difference between beating the market and reaching your goals. I think the most important thing is to reach your financial goals. It’s like registering for a

Recap on the Best 2015 Dividend Stocks

As you probably know already, each year I select 20 US and 10 Canadian dividend stocks that will outperform the dividend index (and hopefully the overall stock market). I started this tradition back in 2012 and so far, I’m almost always right. This means that almost all my portfolios

I Will Manage My Children’s Money

Funny enough from a guy who manages his own brokerage account since the age of 21 (13 years ago!), I must admit; I left others to manage the money for my children’s tuition. It made sense for a while since I found it easier for me to let someone else take responsibility for these fund

Pursuing My Dream – Remortgaging My House

Nothing can stop me now, ‘cause I don’t care anymore – NIN Last week, I initiated another big step for my RV project: I’m remortgaging my house! Most people would advise against that, but I’m doing it anyway; digging a deeper financial hole to live my dream. Why am I doing this?

As Long as I Get The Dividend… You are SO Wrong!

I don’t really care where the market is currently or where it’s headed as long as my dividends continue to be paid.   I often read this on blogs when the market is going sideways. When you think about it, I guess it can make sense. First, dividend growth investing is for th