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Coming Soon: New .Blog Domains for Websites

.Blog domain extensions will be available to all websites starting this year.
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The Answer to a Investing in a Bubble Peak

About two weeks ago, I wrote an article about volatility. I was basically explaining that market timing was futile and investing in a high or in a low in the market has a very limited impact.This article was republished on Seeking Alpha. There were several investors over there who wer
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My last week of work… ever?

What if everyday was a vacation day? Today, I am waking with a weird feeling. My alarm went off at 6am as usual. I went for my 5km run and then drank my green juice (yep, I’m that fancy now! hahaha!). Kids just left home for school and I’m leaving too… wait… this is what […]
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Four Different Ways to Achieve Financial Independence

Financial independence… this concept has been discussed on so many blogs that I rarely write about it here. I’ve been working on my own crusade to reach financial independence since I entered the workforce back in 2003. I previously dedicated an entire blog to the topic, had some good
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If I Was Starting Investing Today for The First Time

I still remember the very first time I traded on the stock market. I was so excited and at the same time convinced it was the beginning of a great series of successes. This was back in 2003. I had borrowed from a line of credit in the amount of $20,000. I told my girlfriend […]
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